Us deixo amb un extracte de l’article.
“There are basically two ways to become rich: either through one’s own work, or through inheritance. In Ancien Regime societies, as well as during the 19th century and early 20th century, it was self-evident to everybody that the inheritance channel was an important one. For instance, 19th century and early 20th century novels are full of stories where ambitious young men have to choose between becoming rich through their own work or by marrying a bride with large inherited wealth – and often opt for the second strategy. However, in the late 20th century and early 21st century, most observers seem to believe that this belongs to the past. That is, most observers – novelists, economists and laymen alike – tend to assume that labor income is now playing a much bigger role than inherited wealth in shaping people’s lives, and that human capital and hard work have become the key to personal material well-being. Although this is rarely formulated explicitly, the implicit assumption seems to be that the structure of modern economic growth has led to the rise of human capital, the decline of inheritance, and the triumph of meritocracy.
This paper asks a simple question: is this optimistic view of economic development justified empirically and well-grounded theoretically? Our simple answer is “no”. Our empirical and theoretical findings suggest that inherited wealth will most likely play as big a role in 21st century capitalism as it did in 19th century capitalism – at least from an aggregate viewpoint.”
Les conseqüències són evidents. I la elecció hauria de ser clara: meritocràcia o dinasties, tu què hi dius?
I això em porta a l’impost de successions. Parem de fer demagògia i el dissenyem de tal manera que afavoreixi l’adveniment d’una societat creativa i innovadora?